ಭಾನುವಾರ, ಸೆಪ್ಟೆಂಬರ್ 30, 2018

The Phobia list


1. *Acrophobia*- Fear of heights
2. *Bibliophobia*- Fear of books.
3. *Cacophobia*- Fear of ugliness.
4. *Dystychiphobia*- Fear of accidents.
5. *Electrophobia*- Fear of electricity.
6. *Felinophobia*- Fear of cats.
7. *Genophobia*- Fear of sex.
8. *Harpaxophobia*- Fear of being
9. *Insectophobia* - Fear of insects.
10. *Japanophobia*- Fear of Japanese.
11. *Kakorrhaphiophobia*- Fear of failure
or defeat.
12. *Logizomechanophobia*- Fear of
13. *Mastigophobia*- Fear of punishment.
14. *Noctiphobia*- Fear of the night.
15. *Ophidiophobia*- Fear of snakes.
16. *Phasmophobia*- Fear of ghosts.
17. *Quadrataphobia* - Fear of quadratic
18. *Rhytiphobia*- Fear of getting wrinkles.
19. *Sinophobia*- Fear of Chinese, Chinese culture.
20. *Triskaidekaphobia*- Fear of the number 13.
21. *Urophobia*- Fear of urine or urinating.
22. *Venustraphobia*- Fear of beautiful women.
23. *Wiccaphobia*: Fear of witches and witchcraft.
24. *Xenoglossophobia*- Fear of foreign
25. *Ymophobia* - Fear of contrariety
26. *Zoophobia*- Fear of animals.


ಕಾಮೆಂಟ್‌‌ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್‌ ಮಾಡಿ